pAGG Testimonial: New Parents, Mike and Justyne

New parent Mike drops 25 in 2 months then his Wife gets in on the action
“I’m a skeptic and a hard sell. Fortunately for my health, New Health Solution’s pAGG supplements won me over.
Earlier this year, my wife and I celebrated the birth of our son. Prior to this, I could have sworn I was eating like I was pregnant too! My blood pressure was elevated, my cholesterol high, and my sugar levels were outside of the normal range. After a few weeks of settling into our new life with our first baby, I began changing my diet in accordance to the 4-Hour Body plan and began pAGG by NHS.
I am happy to say that within in 2 months time, I lost over 25 pounds! Within 3 months, my blood pressure dropped, my cholesterol plummeted and my sugar levels normalized. As summer dwindles down and I begin Phase 2 of my efforts (regular kettle bell exercise, ice pack experimentation) I am certain I will surpass my goal of 40lbs lost.
[Enter Justyne]
I’ve lost track of how many people have commented on the noticeable change in my appearance. And believe me, change is contagious. My wife is within the first month of her pAGG regiment and she is already below PRE-baby weight! Within the first few weeks her average weight loss was nearly 5-7lbs a week! She’s proud to say she’s at a weight she hasn’t been since her mid-twenties!
The nice thing is none of this has ever felt restrictive. Together we recognize this as a positive change in eating habits, a careful consideration of what we do, and an increase in our energy. With this we will be the most active and able parents for our baby boy!
Thanks NHS and best to of luck to everyone else out there.”
-Mike (and Justyne) Podolak
Note from NewHealth Solutions
Thank you Mike and Justyne for letting us use your testimonial to inspire others to take on their goals.
Mike’s success with weight loss inspired his wife into action – now they are finding even more success taking on their fat-loss together which will help them both achieve their goals more rapidly.
If you and your wife are looking to lose weight together after recently having a baby, then what are you waiting for? If Mike and Justyne can do it, you can too.
If you have a comment or question for Mike, submit it to us and we will forward it to him on your behalf.