Craig’s Blog: Week 4, down 6lbs, 31lbs total

Starting Weight: 306lbs
Weight lost in week 4: 6lbs
Weight after week 4: 275lbs
Pounds left to lose: 46lbs

Follow Craig on our Facebook Page and cheer him on, he needs your encouragement!

Week 4 Update

I thought we were on an up-swing this week. This wasn’t the case. While training with Michelle, Craig dropped to the ground and had a melt-down. Though we have been having great success, he is struggling with future thoughts. “What if”? “What happens when”? “What do I do”? All questions concerning how Craig is going to react to his new body. Craig is scared to death about living life with the healthier, lighter, thinner and more confident new “him”. This all came out this week.

Due to the new emotional anxieties, Michelle and Craig have spent more time discussing his concerns, sharing thoughts and praying over him asking God for the support needed to help Craig push on and accept his transformation as something positive for him as well as his family.
Regarding his physical training, Michelle is continuing to improve Craig’s ability to complete his current exercise regimen. She has however increased Craig from speed-walking to jogging on the treadmill while running him through interval training by increasing his heart rate and bringing it back down in series.

When we teach people how to really maximize their efforts in training, we suggest a little friendly competition. Therefore I brought in one of my other big-boy clients’ who’s a race car driver I am training for his race season. We are running partner drills where they are competing for complete supremacy in each drill. We also added Viper chord resistance training with acceleration/deceleration drills and bear crawling.

Last week I mentioned the muscle pain Craig has been having in his back. This week we have been having Dr. Rachel Northern from Northern Light Care Chiropractic as well as our Massage Therapist, Lora Myers focus on this area. Craig has been struggling a bit with planning and preparing his meals, so our Wellness Coach Roula Crews and Nutritionist Sylvia Klinger have been spending a little more time with him making sure he has a detailed outline and understanding of his meal plans. Let’s see if some things change next week.

What are you waiting for?

Are you anything like Craig? Have you struggled with achieving your weight loss goals, not knowing if changing the status quo is possible?  Well it is possible.  Craig is real, the weight he is losing is real.  Follow his program and you too can achieve your fitness goals.
