Craig’s Blog Week 10: Down 9lbs, 57lbs total
Starting Weight: 306lbs
Weight lost in week 10: 9lbs
Weight after week 10: 249lbs
Pounds left to lose: 20lbs
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Week 10 Update
This is proving to be yet another tough week. Craig has been out of town three of the seven days. Though he was not exercising to any degree; we think this time off will still prove positive. I will let Craig describe his adventure in detail; but what I can tell you is that it was men’s spiritual retreat. This was a very powerful and positive experience for Craig, and I think it will go a long way in his long-term health and fitness goals.
Due to his time away from exercise, we once again reduced Craig’s caloric intake. Michelle also incorporated cross training with Craig this week. She moved him between several pieces of cardio equipment. They would start with 20-minutes on the exercise bike, then move to the elliptical machine for 20-minutes and then finish off with 20-minutes on the treadmill. Craig seemed to like the variety and changing things up a bit.
So, to get down to the brass tax; I will tell you that I love Craig’s honesty. Do you remember earlier in this blog where I said that we reduced Craig’s calories a bit? This means Craig has a very specific nutrition regimen. He is to pack very specific meals. So when he went on his retreat…he had a cooler of good nutritious food portioned out accordingly. You guessed it…he dumped his food and went for the meals they provided on the trip…what do you think will happen on the scale this week?
What are you waiting for?
Are you anything like Craig? Have you struggled with achieving your weight loss goals, not knowing if changing the status quo is possible? Well it is possible. Craig is real, the weight he is losing is real. Follow his program and you too can achieve your fitness goals.